The Commercial benefits are immense, by vastly reducing grid energy consumption, one example being Geothermal, as the DELTΔ-T® material will generate electricity from low grade heat, ie below boiling point, this allows for shallow geothermal drilling, this is a colossal financial saving over deep well drilling, and generating the same electrical performance and using the technology to generate electricity fromground source heating.
This is unique to our DELTΔ-T® technology.
Other examples include Marine vessels, where you incorporate DELTΔ-T® into the vessels hull, and by
using the ocean water in combination with our technology to generate electricity and power the vessel.
By using DELTΔ-T® technology, you have no requirement for Lithium batteries.
Any warm surface will generate power, so the benefits for the world’s underdeveloped areas along with
underprivileged populations is enormous.
DELTΔ-T® material can also be used to harvest waste heat from an internal combustion engine to again replace batteries. This is particularly exciting for power to weight ratios and fuel consumption.